Streamlining Operations at Capital Medical: HUB and ImplantBase Integration

Use Case: Enhancing Operational Efficiency at Capital Medical through HUB – ImplantBase Integration


To integrate HUB with ImplantBase for streamlined inventory management, improved client retention, and cost savings at Capital Medical, a leading Zimmer/Biomet distributor.

Capital Medical Case Study


Inventory Managers, Operations Team, Client Relations Managers.


  1. Initial Analysis: Evaluate the limitations of the existing ImplantBase system, especially focusing on manual errors, inventory inefficiencies, and client retention issues.
  2. System Integration: Seamlessly integrate HUB with ImplantBase, enabling both platforms to work in tandem.
  3. Staff Onboarding: Train teams to adapt to the integrated system for inventory management and client interaction.
  4. Operational Monitoring: Use built-in analytics to track improvements in efficiency, inventory savings, and client retention.
  5. ROI Calculation: Periodically measure the financial impact and other KPIs to assess the benefits of the integrated system.


  • Manual errors costing $15,000 annually.
  • Inventory mismanagement with losses of $25,000/year.
  • Inconsistent process standardization affecting productivity.
  • Client attrition causing a yearly loss of $10,000.


  • 25% reduction in manual errors, saving $15,000/year.
  • 15% reduction in unnecessary stock, saving over $20,000/year.
  • 40% increase in process standardization, equating to $30,000/year.
  • 10-15% improvement in client retention, adding $8,000-$12,000/year.
  • Additional cost savings in onboarding, proprietary info protection, and inventory loss prevention, adding up to $12,000-$16,000/year.


Total estimated annual financial gain: Approximately $95,000-$102,000


The integration of HUB with ImplantBase served as a catalyst for Capital Medical’s operational improvements, providing a robust model that yielded both qualitative and financial benefits. This approach demonstrates that integrating specialized platforms can result in comprehensive improvements in efficiency, cost savings, and client retention.

This use case highlights the power of strategic tech integration in modernizing operations and driving financial gains in the challenging landscape of medical device distribution.

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