Why is the fax machine still used in healthcare?

In today’s digital age, it may seem surprising that fax machines are still a common tool used by healthcare providers. With the rise of electronic medical records (EMRs) and secure messaging systems, one may wonder why fax machines are still necessary. This article explores the reasons behind the continued use of fax machines in healthcare and potential alternatives that could replace them, integrating essential aspects like healthcare communication, medical inventory management, and care coordination platforms.

The Role of Fax Machines in Healthcare

Fax machines have been a staple in healthcare for decades, and their use has not diminished despite advancements in technology. In fact, a survey conducted by the American Medical Association in 2018 found that 75% of healthcare providers still use fax machines as their primary method of communication.

Security and Compliance

One of the main reasons for the continued use of fax machines in healthcare is security and compliance. Fax machines are considered a secure method of communication as they use a dedicated phone line and do not rely on the internet. This is especially important in the healthcare industry, where patient privacy and data security are of utmost importance. Additionally, fax machines are compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which sets standards for the protection of sensitive patient information. This means healthcare providers can safely transmit patient records and other sensitive information without fear of violating HIPAA regulations.

Ease of Use

Another reason for the continued use of fax machines is their ease of use. Unlike other forms of technology, fax machines do not require extensive training or technical knowledge to operate. This makes them accessible to all members of the healthcare team, including those who may not be as technologically savvy.


Interoperability, or the ability for different systems to communicate with each other, is another factor that contributes to the use of fax machines in healthcare. While electronic medical records (EMRs) have become more prevalent, there is still a lack of standardization among different systems. This means that healthcare providers may not be able to easily share patient information with other providers who use a different EMR system. Fax machines provide a simple solution to this problem, as they can easily transmit information between different systems, enhancing care coordination and healthcare communication.

Alternatives to Fax Machines

While fax machines are still widely used in healthcare, several alternatives could potentially replace them. These alternatives offer similar levels of security and compliance while addressing some limitations of fax machines.

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Secure Messaging Systems

Secure messaging systems, also known as secure messaging apps, are becoming increasingly popular in healthcare. These apps allow healthcare providers to securely communicate and share patient information with each other. They offer end-to-end encryption, ensuring that patient data remains secure. One of the main advantages of secure messaging systems is their ability to integrate with electronic medical records. This means that healthcare providers can easily access patient information and communicate with other providers without having to switch between different systems, enhancing healthcare communication and medical case management software.

Electronic Faxing

Electronic faxing, also known as e-faxing, is another alternative to traditional fax machines. E-faxing allows users to send and receive faxes through email, eliminating the need for a physical fax machine. This method offers the same level of security and compliance as traditional faxing while also being more convenient and cost-effective.

Direct Messaging

Direct messaging is a secure messaging system specifically designed for healthcare providers. It allows for the secure exchange of patient information between different providers, regardless of the EMR system they use. Direct messaging is also compliant with HIPAA regulations, making it a viable alternative to fax machines.

Why Do Libraries Still Have Fax Machines?

While the use of fax machines in healthcare may be understandable, one may wonder why libraries still have fax machines. Libraries are not typically associated with sensitive information or the need for secure communication.


Many libraries serve as a hub for the community, providing access to resources and services for those who may not have them at home. This includes access to a fax machine, which may be necessary for individuals who do not have access to a computer or printer.


While email and other forms of electronic communication may be more convenient, they also require access to a computer and internet, which not everyone may have. Fax machines offer a more affordable option for those who need to send or receive documents.


Fax machines are still used in libraries because of their reliability. Unlike email, which can be prone to technical issues or spam filters, fax machines offer a more direct and reliable method of communication. This is especially important for individuals who may need to send or receive important documents, such as job applications or legal forms.

Do Fax Machines Store Data?

One concern that may arise when discussing the use of fax machines in healthcare is whether or not they store data. The short answer is no, fax machines do not store data. However, this does not mean they are completely secure. While fax machines do not store data, they do create a paper trail. This means that any documents that are faxed can potentially be accessed by anyone who has access to the machine. Additionally, fax machines can be hacked, just like any other form of technology. This is why it is important for healthcare providers to take precautions when using fax machines, such as using a cover sheet to protect patient information.


While the use of fax machines in healthcare and libraries may seem outdated, there are valid reasons for their continued use. Security, ease of use, and interoperability are all factors that contribute to the prevalence of fax machines in these industries. However, with the rise of secure messaging systems and electronic faxing, it is possible that fax machines may eventually become obsolete. Until then, they will continue to play a role in the communication and exchange of information in healthcare and other industries, supported by advances in healthcare communication, medical inventory management, and compliance management systems.

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