How To: Best Ways To Use HUB Healthcare To Sell Used Medical Equipment

How to Sell Used Medical Equipment on HUB Healthcare

  1. Click on Inventory
    • Navigate to the Inventory section in the HUB menu.
  2. Click on Catalog
    • Access the catalog to manage your product listings.
  3. Click on Add Product
    • Initiate the process to add your used equipment.
  4. Add Your Unit(s)
  5. Click on Save
    • Save the product information.
  6. Click on Your Unit within the Stock View
    • Select the unit from your inventory list.
  7. Verify Your Product Details
    • Ensure all entered details are correct.
  8. Add Information That Will Help You Describe the Unit
    • Include additional information to accurately describe the equipment.
  9. Verify Tray Composition
    • Confirm the tray composition if applicable.
  10. Go to the Billing Tab to Create Invoice
    • Navigate to the billing section.
  11. Click on Invoices
    • Access your invoices for transactions.
  12. Add Customers to Transact
    • Select or add customers for the sale.
  13. Use the Global Actions Button to Add the Equipment to an Invoice
    • Initiate the transaction by adding equipment to an invoice.
  14. Click on Invite
    • Invite potential buyers.
  15. Click on Invite via Email (Enter Email)
    • Send an email invitation to potential buyers.

By following these steps, users can effectively list and sell their used medical equipment on HUB Healthcare.

Computer screen displaying HUB Healthcare's reporting features, highlighting healthcare analytics, care coordination platform, integrated healthcare, and compliance management systems.

How HUB Healthcare Can Help

HUB Healthcare offers a comprehensive solution designed to ensure HIPAA-compliant communication in healthcare settings. With features such as secure messaging, encrypted document management, and detailed audit trails, HUB Healthcare provides the necessary tools to protect patient information and comply with HIPAA regulations. By leveraging HUB Healthcare’s robust platform, healthcare organizations can facilitate secure and efficient communication, ultimately improving patient care and operational efficiency.

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