Surgery Center Growth: How To Drive Patient Volume with Provider Engagement

As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) are facing increased competition and pressure to maintain high patient volumes. One key strategy for achieving this is through provider engagement. By actively involving providers in the operations and decision-making processes of the ASC, centers can improve patient outcomes, increase referrals, and ultimately boost volume. In this article, we will discuss the importance of provider engagement and how ASCs can use it to increase volume.

The Role of Active Participation

Active participation from providers is crucial for the success of an ASC. When providers are actively involved in the operations of the center, they are more likely to feel invested in its success and refer patients to the facility. This can be achieved through regular meetings and open communication channels between the ASC and its providers. By keeping providers informed and involved, they can also provide valuable feedback and suggestions for improvement, leading to better patient outcomes and increased volume.

The Impact of Provider Engagement on Referrals

One of the most significant benefits of provider engagement is the potential for increased referrals. When providers are actively engaged in the ASC, they are more likely to refer their patients to the facility for procedures. This is because they have a better understanding of the services offered and the quality of care provided. Additionally, when providers are involved in the decision-making process, they are more likely to feel confident in the capabilities of the ASC and refer their patients accordingly.

The Role of a Provider Engagement Specialist

To ensure effective provider engagement, many ASCs are now hiring provider engagement specialists. These professionals are responsible for building and maintaining relationships with providers, keeping them informed about the ASC, and addressing any concerns or issues they may have. The average provider engagement specialist salary ranges from $60,000 to $80,000 per year, making it a worthwhile investment for ASCs looking to increase volume through provider engagement.

Strategies for Improving Provider Engagement

There are several strategies that ASCs can implement to improve provider engagement and, in turn, increase volume. These include:

  • Regular communication and meetings with providers to keep them informed and involved in the ASC’s operations.
  • Providing opportunities for providers to give feedback and suggestions for improvement.
  • Offering incentives for providers who refer patients to the ASC.
  • Hosting educational events and workshops for providers to learn more about the services offered at the ASC.

The Bottom Line

Provider engagement is a crucial factor in the success of an ASC. By actively involving providers in the operations and decision-making processes of the center, ASCs can improve patient outcomes, increase referrals, and ultimately boost volume. Investing in a provider engagement specialist and implementing strategies for improving engagement can help ASCs achieve these goals and thrive in a competitive healthcare market.

Nurse holding a computer, demonstrating HUB Healthcare's workflow capabilities and integrated healthcare solutions.

How HUB Healthcare Can Help

HUB Healthcare offers a comprehensive platform designed to enhance provider engagement and drive patient volume at surgery centers. Our suite of tools includes patient management software, automated scheduling, and data analytics to streamline operations and improve communication among healthcare providers. By leveraging HUB Healthcare, surgery centers can optimize their workflows, ensure timely patient follow-ups, and create a seamless experience that encourages patient retention and growth. This not only boosts provider engagement but also drives patient volume, ensuring sustainable growth and enhanced patient care. Care Coordination

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